Curling Leagues |
Signups for our Curling Leagues can be found on our homepage.
BLCC runs curling leagues on Wednesday and Sunday nights in two seven-week sessions from November through March.
Curlers joining the league will require prior BLCC league play or one year of curling experience. If you’ve never curled in a league before, you will be eligible to play in the BLCC Rookie League. All ages 21 and up, all genders, all everything else, are very welcome..
First and foremost, BLCC Leagues are governed by the Spirit of Curling. Under all circumstances, teamwork and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. Players are expected to enforce rules in a fair manner and settle disputes by mutual agreement. This has been one of our strengths as a club, so we expect to continue the tradition into the new season.
League standings are calculated as follows:
1. We rely on players to accurately enter scores from each game. To that end, we have implemented a score entry form. Each league (Wednesday, Sunday Early, Sunday Late) has its own form; follow the link in your email.
2. Games will count toward a team's final record as long as the team two players (not subs) on the ice. Permanent roster changes will not be considered substitutes for these purposes.
3. Due to time constraints, there are no guaranteed tiebreakers. If there is time, ties may be broken upon mutual agreement of the teams playing by throwing skip's stones and tallying the score as if it were a full end.
4. Teams earn two points in the standings for a win, one point for a tie and zero points for a loss.
5. Tie breakers are as follows:
a. Sum of scores across all games.
b. Head-to-head matchup record, if any
c. Highest-scoring end
(Note: These tie-breakers are for purposes of both standings and inter-divisional championships when there is no agreed-upon tiebreaker)
Forfeit procedure:
If a team cannot assemble at least three players on the ice and ready to play within the first five minutes following an official league start time, a forfeit may be declared. Per the Spirit of Curling, it is preferable for the team missing members to declare their own team's forfeit, but if an entire team is missing, the team present may declare. Forfeiture is not mandatory. The consequence of a forfeit is a 4-0 win in favor of the non-forfeiting team, scored as one point per end over four ends. If neither team has three players, the result is a cancellation, with no win or loss. In all forfeiture situations, the players present are encouraged to stay on the sheet for a friendly (non-league official) game in whatever team configuration they prefer.
Additional House Rules
League curlers are expected, as club members, to arrive for setup 30 minutes before scheduled start and to assist with takedown after the games end.
If the outdoor temperature is under 20 degrees F, either team's skip may declare a warming break after the completion of an end. During this break, players may leave the ice for five minutes without penalty.
No end may start within 15 minutes of the scheduled end of play.
SUBSTITUTES: If you cannot make it to a match, you can arrange for a substitute to play in your place. Note that all substitute players must be either current league players or must hold BLCC Associate Membership for the current season, no exceptions. Due to our liability and insurance requirements, we cannot have players on the ice who have not signed Lakeside and BLCC waivers. BLCC Associate Memberships can be purchased from the link on our home page and covers the cost of club insurance and dues which allow players to be on the ice.
BLCC runs curling leagues on Wednesday and Sunday nights in two seven-week sessions from November through March.
Curlers joining the league will require prior BLCC league play or one year of curling experience. If you’ve never curled in a league before, you will be eligible to play in the BLCC Rookie League. All ages 21 and up, all genders, all everything else, are very welcome..
First and foremost, BLCC Leagues are governed by the Spirit of Curling. Under all circumstances, teamwork and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. Players are expected to enforce rules in a fair manner and settle disputes by mutual agreement. This has been one of our strengths as a club, so we expect to continue the tradition into the new season.
League standings are calculated as follows:
1. We rely on players to accurately enter scores from each game. To that end, we have implemented a score entry form. Each league (Wednesday, Sunday Early, Sunday Late) has its own form; follow the link in your email.
2. Games will count toward a team's final record as long as the team two players (not subs) on the ice. Permanent roster changes will not be considered substitutes for these purposes.
3. Due to time constraints, there are no guaranteed tiebreakers. If there is time, ties may be broken upon mutual agreement of the teams playing by throwing skip's stones and tallying the score as if it were a full end.
4. Teams earn two points in the standings for a win, one point for a tie and zero points for a loss.
5. Tie breakers are as follows:
a. Sum of scores across all games.
b. Head-to-head matchup record, if any
c. Highest-scoring end
(Note: These tie-breakers are for purposes of both standings and inter-divisional championships when there is no agreed-upon tiebreaker)
Forfeit procedure:
If a team cannot assemble at least three players on the ice and ready to play within the first five minutes following an official league start time, a forfeit may be declared. Per the Spirit of Curling, it is preferable for the team missing members to declare their own team's forfeit, but if an entire team is missing, the team present may declare. Forfeiture is not mandatory. The consequence of a forfeit is a 4-0 win in favor of the non-forfeiting team, scored as one point per end over four ends. If neither team has three players, the result is a cancellation, with no win or loss. In all forfeiture situations, the players present are encouraged to stay on the sheet for a friendly (non-league official) game in whatever team configuration they prefer.
Additional House Rules
League curlers are expected, as club members, to arrive for setup 30 minutes before scheduled start and to assist with takedown after the games end.
If the outdoor temperature is under 20 degrees F, either team's skip may declare a warming break after the completion of an end. During this break, players may leave the ice for five minutes without penalty.
No end may start within 15 minutes of the scheduled end of play.
SUBSTITUTES: If you cannot make it to a match, you can arrange for a substitute to play in your place. Note that all substitute players must be either current league players or must hold BLCC Associate Membership for the current season, no exceptions. Due to our liability and insurance requirements, we cannot have players on the ice who have not signed Lakeside and BLCC waivers. BLCC Associate Memberships can be purchased from the link on our home page and covers the cost of club insurance and dues which allow players to be on the ice.